Making Progress Together | October 2022
The OUA is now sharing the first progress report - Making Progress Together - on the work, action, and changes that have been completed to date based on the insights and research we have gathered to ensure we are being transparent, honest, and accountable in the actions we have taken and will continue to take moving forward.
As a leader and hub for our community, we have focused our action items for change around areas of education opportunities. This is especially relevant considering how big the knowledge and awareness gap was that racism even existed. In the following document, we've outlined how we're tracking against our priority areas, along with a list of additional action items. In particular, we are proud of publicly committing to change within our OUA community, influencing policy changes, and implementing educational programs. This progress report is shared to provide accountability and transparency into our process. Though we're proud of our progress to date, we recognize we still have much more work to do. Our work is not done until racism is eradicated.
While we will formally report on our progress annually, we will make sure our everyday actions are our true measure of advancing towards a safe, equitable, and diverse culture for the OUA. We are so grateful to all those who have dedicated their personal time and lived experiences to these efforts thus far, and we look forward to continuing our work together.