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2019-20 OUA Men's Hockey Schedule

September 2019
Date Away Home Notes Status Links
Ottawa # 1 Windsor 3 Exhibition - Central Park Athletics Final
Queen's # 4 McGill 5 Exhibition @ McConnell Arena Final
Ottawa # 10 Windsor 2 Exhibition - Central Park Athletics Final
McGill # 1 UQTR 7 Exhibition @ Le Colisee Final
Laurentian # 0 Nipissing 3 Memorial Gardens Final
UNB # 9 York 2 (Pre-season) Final
Nipissing # 2 Laurentian 3 Countryside Arena Final
McGill # 2 Saint Mary's 3 (Pre-season) Final
Toronto # 5 Ottawa 3 Exhibition - Minto Sports Complex Final
McGill # 5 Acadia 4 (Pre-season) Final - OT
Guelph # 4 Lakehead 1 Final
Guelph # 4 Lakehead 3 Final
Nipissing # 4 Laurentian 3 Countryside Arena Final
UQTR # 1 McGill 4 Exhibition @ McConnell Arena Final
October 2019
Date Away Home Notes Status Links
Carleton * 5 UQTR 4 Le Colisee Final Shootout - Away
Lakehead * 0 Waterloo 6 Columbia Ice Fields Final
Ottawa * 3 McGill 2 McConnell Arena Final
UQTR * 2 RMC 3 Constantine Arena Final
Guelph * 2 Toronto 3 Varsity Arena Final
Lakehead * 3 Laurier 2 Waterloo Rec Complex Final
Windsor * 6 Brock 3 Seymour-Hannah Final
Queen's * 4 Laurentian 1 Countryside Arena Final
Carleton * 2 Concordia 0 Ed Meagher Arena Final
Nipissing * 4 Ontario Tech 1 Campus Ice Centre Final
Queen's * 1 Laurentian 4 Countryside Arena Final
Nipissing * 4 Ontario Tech 1 Campus Ice Centre Final
York * 3 Toronto 5 Varsity Arena Final
Lakehead * 3 Laurier 1 Waterloo Rec Complex Final
McGill * 2 Concordia 3 Ed Meagher Arena Final - OT
Ottawa # 0 Penn State 5 Exhibition - Pegula Ice Arena Final
Queen's * 2 Ontario Tech 3 Campus Ice Centre Final
Guelph * 5 Ryerson 2 Mattamy Athletic Centre Final
Toronto * 1 Brock 5 Seymour-Hannah Final
UQTR * 6 Western 3 Thompson Arena Final
Carleton * 5 Waterloo 4 Columbia Ice Fields Final - OT
Ottawa * 3 Laurier 1 Waterloo Rec Complex Final
York * 3 Brock 2 Seymour-Hannah Final
Lakehead * 3 Laurentian 5 Countryside Arena Final
McGill * 3 Windsor 1 Capri Ice Complex Final
RMC * 5 Nipissing 4 Memorial Gardens Final Shootout - Away
Concordia * 0 Queen's 5 Memorial Centre Final
UQTR * 5 Western 1 Thompson Arena Final
Ottawa * 4 Waterloo 2 Columbia Ice Fields Final
Carleton * 4 Laurier 3 Waterloo Rec Complex Final - OT
Toronto * 3 Ryerson 6 Mattamy Athletic Centre Final
Concordia * 4 Ontario Tech 1 Campus Ice Centre Final
Lakehead * 4 Laurentian 3 Countryside Arena Final - OT
RMC * 2 Nipissing 5 Memorial Gardens Final
York * 1 Guelph 3 Gryphon Centre Final
McGill * 1 Windsor 3 Capri Ice Complex Final
Ryerson * 3 Guelph 6 Gryphon Centre Final
Ontario Tech * 5 RMC 2 Constantine Arena Final
Brock * 3 UQTR 4 Le Colisee Final - OT
Guelph * 3 Carleton 2 CU Ice House Final
Windsor * 5 Lakehead 3 Fort William Gardens Final
Waterloo * 1 McGill 6 McConnell Arena Final
Ryerson * 2 York 1 Canlan Ice Sports Final
Laurier * 5 Concordia 6 Ed Meagher Arena Final - OT
Nipissing * 4 Laurentian 3 Countryside Arena Final Shootout - Away
Western * 7 Ottawa 2 Minto Sports Complex Final
Ontario Tech * 5 RMC 2 Constantine Arena Final
Brock * 4 UQTR 7 Le Colisee Final
Guelph * 4 Ottawa 5 Minto Sports Complex Final - OT
Western * 2 Carleton 3 CU Ice House Final - OT
Windsor * 3 Lakehead 2 Fort William Gardens Final - OT
Ryerson * 5 Toronto 6 Varsity Arena Final - OT
Laurier * 5 McGill 2 McConnell Arena Final
Queen's * 0 York 3 Canlan Ice Sports Final
Waterloo * 3 Concordia 2 Ed Meagher Arena Final - OT
Waterloo * 5 Guelph 4 Gryphon Centre Final - OT
Laurier * 1 Brock 2 Seymour-Hannah Final
Ryerson * 6 Western 2 Thompson Arena Final
Toronto * 7 Lakehead 4 Fort William Gardens Final
York * 2 Windsor 3 Capri Ice Complex Final - OT
UQTR * 4 Laurentian 1 Countryside Arena Final
McGill * 4 Ottawa 2 Minto Sports Complex Final
Carleton * 3 Ontario Tech 1 Campus Ice Centre Final
Nipissing * 0 Queen's 1 Memorial Centre Final
UQTR * 4 Laurentian 3 Countryside Arena Final
Carleton * 4 RMC 1 Constantine Arena Final
Brock * 6 Waterloo 0 Columbia Ice Fields Final
Toronto * 3 Lakehead 1 Fort William Gardens Final
York * 2 Western 6 Thompson Arena Final
Guelph * 2 Laurier 4 Waterloo Rec Complex Final
Nipissing * 1 Queen's 8 Memorial Centre Final
Ottawa * 2 Ontario Tech 5 Campus Ice Centre Final
McGill * 5 Concordia 2 33rd annual Corey Cup Game (@ Ed Meagher Arena) Final
Ryerson * 0 Windsor 1 Capri Ice Complex Final Shootout - Home
RMC * 4 Concordia 6 Ed Meagher Arena Final
Ontario Tech * 1 Brock 2 Seymour-Hannah Final
November 2019
Date Away Home Notes Status Links
Laurier * 3 Waterloo 6 Columbia Ice Fields Final
Queen's * 2 Carleton 3 CU Ice House Final
Windsor * 2 Western 1 Thompson Arena Final - OT
Nipissing * 4 York 5 Canlan Ice Sports Final
RMC * 2 Brock 8 Seymour-Hannah Final
Laurentian * 1 Ryerson 2 Mattamy Athletic Centre Final
UQTR * 1 Concordia 5 Ed Meagher Arena Final
Nipissing * 4 Guelph 9 Gryphon Centre Final
Concordia * 0 Carleton 2 CU Ice House Final
Queen's * 4 McGill 7 FMH Homecoming Game @ McConnell Arena Final
Western * 3 Waterloo 2 Columbia Ice Fields Final
Laurentian * 1 Toronto 7 Varsity Arena Final
RMC * 1 Ryerson 3 Mattamy Athletic Centre Final
Windsor * 1 York 2 Canlan Ice Sports Final Shootout - Home
Ontario Tech * 1 Toronto 4 Varsity Arena Final
Ryerson * 3 Nipissing 2 Memorial Gardens Final Shootout - Away
Waterloo * 3 Brock 6 Seymour-Hannah Final
Western * 5 Guelph 4 Gryphon Centre Final
Laurier * 3 Waterloo 1 Columbia Ice Fields Final
Concordia * 3 Lakehead 4 Fort William Gardens Final
Carleton * 6 McGill 4 McConnell Arena Final
Laurentian * 2 UQTR 4 Le Colisee Final
York * 3 RMC 4 Constantine Arena Final
Windsor * 3 Ontario Tech 6 Campus Ice Centre Final
Toronto * 3 Queen's 0 Memorial Centre Final
Laurentian * 2 UQTR 6 Le Colisee Final
Toronto * 6 RMC 3 Constantine Arena Final
Windsor * 4 Ontario Tech 1 Campus Ice Centre Final
McGill * 0 Ottawa 3 Minto Sports Complex Final
Concordia * 4 Lakehead 5 Fort William Gardens Final - OT
Western * 6 Laurier 3 Waterloo Rec Complex Final
Brock * 4 Guelph 3 Gryphon Centre Final - OT
Ryerson * 6 Queen's 1 Memorial Centre Final
Carleton * 1 Ottawa 2 Minto Sports Complex Final
York * 3 Nipissing 2 Memorial Gardens Final - OT
York * 2 Toronto 3 Varsity Arena - School Day Game Final
Lakehead * 5 Waterloo 6 Final - OT
Brock * 2 Laurier 0 Waterloo Rec Complex Final
Nipissing * 2 RMC 5 Constantine Arena Final
Ontario Tech * 3 McGill 4 McConnell Arena Final - OT
Ottawa * 2 Carleton 4 Colonel By Classic - TD Place Arena Final
Queen's * 2 UQTR 5 Le Colisee Final
Lakehead * 2 Ryerson 3 Mattamy Athletic Centre Final
Guelph * 5 Brock 1 Seymour-Hannah Final
Laurentian * 4 Concordia 2 Ed Meagher Arena Final
Laurier * 2 Windsor 3 Capri Ice Complex Final
Guelph * 6 York 3 Canlan Ice Sports Final
Queen's * 4 UQTR 3 Le Colisee Final - OT
Ontario Tech * 3 Concordia 2 Ed Meagher Arena Final - OT
RMC * 2 Carleton 5 CU Ice House Final
Western * 3 Toronto 6 Varsity Arena Final
Laurentian * 2 McGill 6 McConnell Arena Final
Nipissing * 1 Ottawa 5 Minto Sports Complex Final
Lakehead * 3 Ryerson 2 Mattamy Athletic Centre Final
Waterloo * 2 Windsor 3 Capri Ice Complex Final
Laurentian * 2 Nipissing 6 Memorial Gardens Final
Ryerson * 6 Guelph 5 Gryphon Centre Final
Western * 2 Windsor 6 Capri Ice Complex Final
Laurier * 2 Lakehead 3 Fort William Gardens Final
Toronto * 6 Waterloo 2 Columbia Ice Fields Final
Brock * 2 York 1 Canlan Ice Sports Final
Queen's * 4 RMC 3 Constantine Arena Final
Carleton * 5 Nipissing 4 Memorial Gardens Final
UQTR * 2 Ontario Tech 1 Campus Ice Centre Final - OT
UQTR * 3 Ontario Tech 2 Campus Ice Centre Final
Windsor * 5 Western 2 Thompson Arena Final
Concordia * 8 RMC 2 Constantine Arena Final
Laurier * 6 Lakehead 3 Fort William Gardens Final
Brock * 1 Ryerson 2 Mattamy Athletic Centre Final
Waterloo * 3 York 2 Canlan Ice Sports Final
Ottawa * 3 Nipissing 4 Memorial Gardens Final Shootout - Home
Carleton * 5 Laurentian 4 Countryside Arena Final
McGill * 1 Queen's 0 Memorial Centre Final
Ottawa * 5 Laurentian 3 Countryside Arena Final
Queen's * 2 Ottawa 3 Minto Sports Complex Final Shootout - Home
York * 2 Laurier 5 Waterloo Rec Complex Final
Brock * 5 Ryerson 2 Mattamy Athletic Centre Final
Carleton * 3 McGill 4 McConnell Arena Final - OT
Laurentian * 4 RMC 6 Constantine Arena Final
Nipissing * 1 UQTR 2 Le Colisee Final
York * 3 Waterloo 4 Columbia Ice Fields Final
Guelph * 4 Western 2 Thompson Arena Final
Toronto * 6 Brock 2 Seymour-Hannah Final
Laurier * 6 Windsor 2 Capri Ice Complex Final
Nipissing * 0 UQTR 6 Le Colisee Final
Concordia * 3 Ottawa 5 Minto Sports Complex Final
Guelph * 3 Windsor 2 Capri Ice Complex Final
RMC * 3 McGill 2 McConnell Arena Final
Ontario Tech * 3 Carleton 4 CU Ice House Final - OT
Waterloo * 0 Toronto 4 Varsity Arena Final
Western * 5 Ryerson 6 Mattamy Athletic Centre Final - OT
Laurentian * 0 Queen's 4 Memorial Centre Final
December 2019
Date Away Home Notes Status Links
Ontario Tech * 0 Ottawa 2 Minto Sports Complex Final
Ottawa * 4 UQTR 2 Le Colisee (Rescheduled from Nov. 2) Final
Windsor # Moncton (Exhibition) @ Edmunston, N.B. Cancelled
Windsor # 0 UNB 4 (Exhibition) Pete Kelly Cup Final
January 2020
Date Away Home Notes Status Links
Ryerson * 3 Brock 1 Seymour-Hannah Final
Lakehead * 7 Guelph 6 Gryphon Centre Final Shootout - Away
Waterloo * 4 Western 6 Thompson Arena Final
UQTR * 0 Carleton 4 CU Ice House Final
Toronto * 6 York 3 Canlan Ice Sports - Mark Cross Memorial Game Final
Windsor * 0 Laurier 1 Forfeit - Windsor used an ineligible player & has forfeited a 3-1 win. All indiv. stats remain the same. Final
RMC * 4 Nipissing 2 Memorial Gardens Final
Brock * 0 Toronto 7 Varsity Arena Final
McGill * 3 Carleton 0 CU Ice House Final
Windsor * 0 Waterloo 1 Forfeit - Windsor used an ineligible player & has forfeited an 8-1 win. All indiv. stats remain the same. Final
Ryerson * 5 Laurier 4 Waterloo Rec Complex Final Shootout - Away
Western * 9 York 4 Canlan Ice Sports Final
Ottawa * 7 Concordia 8 Ed Meagher Arena Final - OT
Lakehead * 2 Guelph 4 Gryphon Centre Final
RMC * 1 Nipissing 3 Memorial Gardens Final
Concordia * 0 UQTR 5 Le Colisee Final
Ottawa * 7 RMC 2 Constantine Arena Final
Queen's * 2 Guelph 8 Gryphon Centre Final
Ontario Tech * 5 Laurentian 1 Countryside Arena Final
Ryerson * 4 Toronto 3 Varsity Arena Final - OT
Guelph * 3 Brock 4 Seymour-Hannah Final - OT
Concordia * 2 McGill 3 McConnell Arena - Winter Carnival Game (sold out) Final - OT
Lakehead * 5 York 2 Canlan Ice Sports Final
Western * 3 Laurier 7 Waterloo Rec Complex Final
Ontario Tech * 3 Nipissing 2 Memorial Gardens Final
Carleton * 4 Queen's 1 Memorial Centre Final
Waterloo * 2 Windsor 1 Capri Ice Complex Final Shootout - Away
Brock * 4 Western 2 Thompson Arena Final
UQTR * 1 Ottawa 5 Minto Sports Complex Final
Ryerson * 1 Laurier 3 Waterloo Rec Complex Final
Lakehead * 3 York 2 Canlan Ice Sports Final
Toronto * 8 Guelph 2 Gryphon Centre Final
RMC * 3 Laurentian 5 Countryside Arena Final
Carleton * 4 Concordia 3 Ed Meagher Arena Final - OT
RMC * 4 Laurentian 5 Countryside Arena Final - OT
UQTR * 4 Ottawa 1 Minto Sports Complex Final
McGill * 2 Ontario Tech 1 Campus Ice Centre Final
Queen's * 3 Nipissing 2 Memorial Gardens Final
Concordia * 1 UQTR 3 Le Colisee Final
Guelph * 4 Brock 3 Seymour-Hannah Final
Guelph * 9 Waterloo 6 Columbia Ice Fields Final
Nipissing * 2 Carleton 6 CU Ice House Final
Ottawa * 3 McGill 1 McConnell Arena Final
Windsor * 2 Toronto 5 Varsity Arena Final
Western * 4 Lakehead 3 Fort William Gardens Final
York * 5 Ryerson 6 Mattamy Athletic Centre Final
Ontario Tech * 1 Queen's 3 Memorial Centre Final
Western * 4 Lakehead 2 Fort William Gardens Final
Ottawa * 0 Carleton 2 CU Ice House Final
Laurier * 0 Toronto 3 Varsity Arena Final
Windsor * 2 Ryerson 5 Mattamy Athletic Centre Final
Nipissing * 2 Concordia 7 Ed Meagher Arena Final
McGill * 1 UQTR 4 Le Colisee Final
Queen's * 1 Concordia 2 Ed Meagher Arena (Re-scheduled from Jan. 19) Final Shootout - Home
McGill * 0 UQTR 1 Le Colisee - Student Carnival Event Final - OT
Western * 3 Toronto 2 Varsity Arena Final - OT
Laurier * 3 Guelph 4 Sleeman Centre - Frosty Mug Final
York * 5 Brock 4 Seymour-Hannah Final - OT
Waterloo * 2 Ryerson 3 Mattamy Athletic Centre Final - OT
Guelph * 4 York 3 Canlan Ice Sports Final - OT
Laurentian * 1 Ontario Tech 5 Campus Ice Centre Final
Lakehead * 1 Windsor 8 Capri Ice Complex Final
Ottawa * 2 Queen's 3 Memorial Centre Final Shootout - Home
McGill * 5 RMC 3 Constantine Arena (game delayed 2 hours) Final
Laurentian * 2 Ontario Tech 5 Campus Ice Centre Final
Nipissing * 1 McGill 6 McConnell Arena Final
Ryerson * 5 Waterloo 1 Columbia Ice Fields Final
Queen's * 4 RMC 1 Constantine Arena Final
Lakehead * 3 Western 2 Thompson Arena Final - OT
Concordia * 2 Carleton 5 CU Ice House Final
Toronto * 0 Laurier 4 Waterloo Rec Complex Final
Brock * 1 Windsor 2 Capri Ice Complex Final
Concordia * 5 Ottawa 4 Minto Sports Complex Final
Toronto * 4 Western 3 Thompson Arena Final
Brock * 1 York 3 Canlan Ice Sports Final
Waterloo * 1 Laurier 5 Kitchener Auditorium - Battle at the Aud Final
RMC * 2 Ontario Tech 5 Campus Ice Centre Final
York * 4 Waterloo 2 Columbia Ice Fields Final
Guelph * 4 Western 5 Budweiser Gardens Final
Laurier * 3 Ryerson 2 Mattamy Athletic Centre Final - OT
Brock * 4 Lakehead 0 Fort William Gardens Final
UQTR * 1 Carleton 2 CU Ice House Final Shootout - Home
Windsor * 1 Guelph 7 Gryphon Centre Final
Ontario Tech * 4 Queen's 3 Memorial Centre Final - OT
McGill * 6 Nipissing 3 Memorial Gardens Final
Concordia * 5 Laurentian 3 Countryside Arena Final
February 2020
Date Away Home Notes Status Links
Brock * 3 Lakehead 5 Fort William Gardens Final
Waterloo * 2 Western 1 Thompson Arena Final
UQTR * 4 RMC 6 Constantine Arena Final
Windsor * 3 Toronto 9 Varsity Arena Final
Carleton * 3 Queen's 2 Memorial Centre Final
Concordia * 4 Nipissing 2 Memorial Gardens Final
McGill * 6 Laurentian 1 Countryside Arena Final
RMC * 4 Ottawa 3 Minto Sports Complex Final - OT
Laurentian * 4 Nipissing 5 Memorial Gardens Final
York * 3 Ryerson 5 Mattamy Athletic Centre Final
RMC * 2 Queen's 4 Leon's Centre - Carr-Harris Cup Final
Laurentian * 3 Carleton 6 CU Ice House Final
Waterloo * 4 Lakehead 3 Fort William Gardens Final - OT
Laurier * 5 Western 1 Thompson Arena Final
Ryerson * 4 Windsor 3 Capri Ice Complex Final Shootout - Away
Toronto * 3 Guelph 4 Gryphon Centre Final
Ontario Tech * 1 Concordia 5 Ed Meagher Arena Final
Laurentian * 4 Ottawa 6 Minto Sports Complex Final
Ontario Tech * 5 McGill 3 McConnell Arena Final
Waterloo * 1 Lakehead 3 Fort William Gardens Final
Laurier * 1 York 2 Canlan Ice Sports Final
Western * 1 Brock 4 Seymour-Hannah Final
Toronto * 2 Windsor 3 Capri Ice Complex Final
UQTR * 4 McGill 1 McConnell Arena Final
Ottawa * 4 Queen's 0 Memorial Centre Final
# Exhibition
* Conference