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2019-20 OUA Women's Basketball Schedule

October 2019
Date Away Home Notes Status Links
Western * 68 Windsor 94 St. Denis Centre Final
Toronto * 50 Laurier 52 Athletic Complex Gym Final
York * 59 Ryerson 77 Mattamy Athletic Centre Final
Ontario Tech * 48 Laurentian 68 Ben F. Avery Gymnasium Final
Queen's * 92 Nipissing 53 Robert J Surtees Student Athletics Centre Final
McMaster * 80 Lakehead 55 CJ Sanders Fieldhouse Final
Algoma * 49 York 71 Tait McKenzie Centre Final
Ontario Tech * 58 Nipissing 80 Robert J Surtees Student Athletics Centre Final
Waterloo * 51 Western 74 Alumni Hall Final
Laurier * 60 Windsor 79 St. Denis Centre Final
Ryerson * 58 Brock 68 Bob Davis Gym Final
McMaster * 67 Lakehead 65 CJ Sanders Fieldhouse Final
Queen's * 76 Laurentian 73 Ben F. Avery Gymnasium Final
McMaster * 61 Brock 75 Bob Davis Gym Final
November 2019
Date Away Home Notes Status Links
Guelph * 78 Queen's 73 Athletics & Recreation Centre Final
Lakehead * 63 Ryerson 94 Mattamy Athletic Centre Final
Windsor * 65 Laurentian 61 Ben F. Avery Gymnasium Final
Western * 67 Algoma 43 George Leach Centre Final
Laurier * 50 Ottawa 87 Montpetit Hall Final
Toronto * 39 York 74 Tait McKenzie Centre Final
Waterloo * 45 Carleton 74 Raven's Nest Final
Laurier * 59 Carleton 60 Raven's Nest Final
Western * 70 Algoma 59 George Leach Centre Final
Brock * 78 Toronto 59 Goldring Centre Final
York * 59 Guelph 112 Guelph Gryphons Athletic Centre Final
Windsor * 72 Nipissing 34 Robert J Surtees Student Athletics Centre Final
Waterloo * 61 Ottawa 97 Montpetit Hall Final
Lakehead * 45 Ryerson 74 Mattamy Athletic Centre Final
Queen's * 98 Ontario Tech 64 Campus Recreation & Wellness Centre Final
Laurier * 52 York 51 Tait McKenzie Centre Final
Ottawa * 98 Ontario Tech 51 Campus Recreation & Wellness Centre Final
Guelph * 72 Brock 65 Bob Davis Gym Final
Waterloo * 48 Lakehead 68 CJ Sanders Fieldhouse Final
Windsor * 52 Ryerson 69 Mattamy Athletic Centre Final
Western * 69 Laurentian 57 Ben F. Avery Gymnasium Final
Carleton * 71 Queen's 76 Athletics & Recreation Centre Final
Algoma * 56 McMaster 79 Burridge Gymnasium Final
Guelph * 92 McMaster 60 Burridge Gymnasium Final
Carleton * 69 Ontario Tech 42 Campus Recreation & Wellness Centre Final
Western * 79 Nipissing 51 Robert J Surtees Student Athletics Centre Final
Windsor * 86 Toronto 47 Goldring Centre Final
Ottawa * 75 Queen's 81 Athletics & Recreation Centre Final
Laurier * 58 Lakehead 55 CJ Sanders Fieldhouse Final
Algoma * 50 Brock 66 Bob Davis Gym Final
Nipissing * 69 Laurentian 71 Ben F. Avery Gymnasium Final
Waterloo * 72 York 84 Tait McKenzie Centre Final
York * 52 Toronto 47 Goldring Centre Final
Laurentian * 45 Waterloo 64 Physical Activities Complex Final
Ontario Tech * 44 Windsor 91 St. Denis Centre Final
Carleton * 78 Algoma 57 George Leach Centre Final
Nipissing * 73 Laurier 75 Athletic Complex Gym Final - 2OT
Lakehead * 51 Brock 68 Bob Davis Gym Final
Ottawa * 77 Guelph 74 Guelph Gryphons Athletic Centre Final - OT
Queen's * 64 Western 87 Alumni Hall Final
Toronto * 56 McMaster 78 Burridge Gymnasium Final
Ryerson * 52 York 67 Tait McKenzie Centre Final
Ontario Tech * 53 Western 79 Alumni Hall Final
Queen's * 66 Windsor 82 St. Denis Centre Final
Laurentian * 57 Laurier 65 Athletic Complex Gym Final
Nipissing * 58 Waterloo 53 Physical Activities Complex Final
Lakehead * 39 Brock 72 Bob Davis Gym Final
Ottawa * 65 Algoma 66 George Leach Centre Final - OT
Carleton * 72 Guelph 62 Guelph Gryphons Athletic Centre Final
Western * 78 Waterloo 58 Physical Activities Complex Final
Ryerson * 82 Ontario Tech 33 Campus Recreation & Wellness Centre Final
Guelph * 51 Laurier 55 Athletic Complex Gym Final
McMaster * 70 Laurentian 57 Ben F. Avery Gymnasium Final
Windsor * 75 Algoma 61 George Leach Centre Final
Toronto * 76 Queen's 83 Athletics & Recreation Centre Final
York * 49 Ottawa 57 Montpetit Hall Final
Lakehead * 54 Carleton 65 Raven's Nest Final
Brock * 62 Nipissing 41 Robert J Surtees Student Athletics Centre Final
Western * 74 Laurier 59 Athletic Complex Gym Final
Waterloo * 49 Guelph 77 Guelph Gryphons Athletic Centre Final
Windsor * 55 Algoma 43 George Leach Centre Final
Toronto * 55 Ontario Tech 54 Campus Recreation & Wellness Centre Final
York * 53 Carleton 57 Raven's Nest Final
Brock * 86 Laurentian 64 Ben F. Avery Gymnasium Final
McMaster * 74 Nipissing 48 Robert J Surtees Student Athletics Centre Final
Lakehead * 46 Ottawa 76 Montpetit Hall Final
Ryerson * 73 Queen's 66 Athletics & Recreation Centre Final
Guelph * 61 Windsor 73 St. Denis Centre Final
Laurier * 46 Western 74 Alumni Hall Final
Toronto * 56 Ryerson 75 Mattamy Athletic Centre Final
Algoma * 59 Waterloo 65 Physical Activities Complex Final
Laurentian * 58 Carleton 79 Raven's Nest Final
Brock * 82 McMaster 80 Burridge Gymnasium Final
York * 66 Lakehead 67 CJ Sanders Fieldhouse Final
Nipissing * 44 Ottawa 91 Montpetit Hall Final
Ontario Tech * 47 Queen's 76 Athletics & Recreation Centre Final
Ryerson * 65 Laurier 46 Athletic Complex Gym Final
Western * 64 Guelph 60 Guelph Gryphons Athletic Centre Final
McMaster * 66 Toronto 76 Goldring Centre Final
York * 82 Lakehead 57 CJ Sanders Fieldhouse Final
Algoma * 70 Waterloo 58 Physical Activities Complex Final
Nipissing * 47 Carleton 78 Raven's Nest Final
Laurentian * 41 Ottawa 68 Montpetit Hall Final
December 2019
Date Away Home Notes Status Links
Ottawa * 66 Carleton 49 Raven's Nest Final
January 2020
Date Away Home Notes Status Links
Ryerson * 84 McMaster 46 Burridge Gymnasium Final
Guelph * 82 Ontario Tech 53 Campus Recreation & Wellness Centre Final
Waterloo * 70 Laurier 65 Athletic Complex Gym Final
Brock * 63 York 66 Tait McKenzie Centre Final
Western * 70 Toronto 57 Goldring Centre Final
Carleton * 60 Nipissing 51 Robert J Surtees Student Athletics Centre Final
Ottawa * 97 Laurentian 72 Ben F. Avery Gymnasium Final
Western * 73 Ryerson 85 Mattamy Athletic Centre Final
Guelph * 69 Waterloo 55 Physical Activities Complex Final
Windsor * 75 Laurier 57 Athletic Complex Gym Final
Algoma * 34 Queen's 84 Athletics & Recreation Centre Final
Toronto * 69 Brock 84 Bob Davis Gym Final
Ottawa * 74 Nipissing 59 Robert J Surtees Student Athletics Centre Final
Carleton * 78 Laurentian 63 Ben F. Avery Gymnasium Final
McMaster * 84 York 91 Tait McKenzie Centre Final - OT
Algoma * 75 Ontario Tech 70 Campus Recreation & Wellness Centre Final - OT
Ryerson * 85 Waterloo 55 Physical Activities Complex Final
Windsor * 52 McMaster 70 Burridge Gymnasium Final
Western * 67 Brock 58 Bob Davis Gym Final
Laurier * 56 Guelph 74 Guelph Gryphons Athletic Centre Final
Ontario Tech * 32 Carleton 85 Raven's Nest Final
Queen's * 71 Ottawa 81 Montpetit Hall Final
Laurentian * 55 Nipissing 64 Robert J Surtees Student Athletics Centre Final
Toronto * 55 Waterloo 54 Physical Activities Complex Final
Lakehead * 84 Algoma 45 George Leach Centre Final
Western * 72 McMaster 69 Burridge Gymnasium Final
Queen's * 80 Carleton 75 Raven's Nest Final - OT
Windsor * 54 Brock 63 Bob Davis Gym Final
Ontario Tech * 34 Ottawa 101 Montpetit Hall Final
Ryerson * 84 Toronto 53 Goldring Centre Final
Lakehead * 65 Guelph 79 Guelph Gryphons Athletic Centre Final
Guelph * 61 Western 71 Alumni Hall Final
Waterloo * 50 Windsor 90 St. Denis Centre Final
Nipissing * 70 York 84 Tait McKenzie Centre Final
Ottawa * 74 Ryerson 72 Mattamy Athletic Centre Final
Ontario Tech * 50 Brock 78 Bob Davis Gym Final
Queen's * 71 McMaster 76 Burridge Gymnasium Final
Laurentian * 72 Lakehead 85 CJ Sanders Fieldhouse Final
Algoma * 49 Laurier 64 Athletic Complex Gym Final
Carleton * 72 Toronto 54 Goldring Centre Final
Algoma * 37 Laurier 72 Athletic Complex Gym Final
Windsor * 76 Guelph 71 Guelph Gryphons Athletic Centre Final
Ontario Tech * 55 McMaster 87 Burridge Gymnasium Final
Queen's * 64 Brock 81 Bob Davis Gym Final
Nipissing * 49 Lakehead 86 CJ Sanders Fieldhouse Final
Laurentian * 48 York 75 Tait McKenzie Centre Final
Carleton * 49 Ryerson 51 Mattamy Athletic Centre Final
Ottawa * 79 Toronto 60 Goldring Centre Final
York * 55 Brock 73 Bob Davis Gym Final
McMaster * 81 Ryerson 77 Mattamy Athletic Centre Final - OT
Waterloo * 56 Queen's 85 Athletics & Recreation Centre Final
Ottawa * 66 Windsor 55 St. Denis Centre Final
Algoma * 57 Laurentian 54 Ben F. Avery Gymnasium Final
Carleton * 54 Western 71 Alumni Hall Final
Laurier * 59 Ontario Tech 43 Campus Recreation & Wellness Centre Final
Lakehead * 69 Toronto 50 Goldring Centre Final
Guelph * 86 Nipissing 46 Robert J Surtees Student Athletics Centre Final
February 2020
Date Away Home Notes Status Links
York * 68 McMaster 76 Burridge Gymnasium Final
Carleton * 67 Windsor 71 St. Denis Centre Final
Algoma * 75 Nipissing 52 Robert J Surtees Student Athletics Centre Final
Lakehead * 62 Toronto 49 Goldring Centre Final
Guelph * 88 Laurentian 60 Ben F. Avery Gymnasium Final
Brock * 66 Ryerson 81 Mattamy Athletic Centre Final
Laurier * 44 Queen's 80 Athletics & Recreation Centre Final
Waterloo * 70 Ontario Tech 77 Campus Recreation & Wellness Centre Final
Ottawa * 85 Western 79 Alumni Hall Final
McMaster * 75 Laurier 53 Athletic Complex Gym Final
Ryerson * 87 Guelph 55 Guelph Gryphons Athletic Centre Final
Lakehead * 73 Western 78 Alumni Hall Final
York * 44 Windsor 57 St. Denis Centre Final
Brock * 81 Laurier 70 Athletic Complex Gym Final
Carleton * 75 Ottawa 77 Capital Hoops Classic - The Arena at TD Place Final
Nipissing * 72 Ontario Tech 64 Campus Recreation & Wellness Centre Final
McMaster * 78 Waterloo 77 Physical Activities Complex Final
Laurentian * 53 Queen's 93 Athletics & Recreation Centre Final
Toronto * 55 Algoma 57 George Leach Centre Final
Brock * 73 Waterloo 62 Physical Activities Complex Final
Nipissing * 53 Queen's 105 Athletics & Recreation Centre Final
Lakehead * 42 Windsor 81 St. Denis Centre Final
York * 71 Western 76 Alumni Hall Final - OT
Laurentian * 63 Ontario Tech 62 Campus Recreation & Wellness Centre Final
Toronto * 69 Guelph 87 Guelph Gryphons Athletic Centre Final
Ryerson * 84 Algoma 63 George Leach Centre Final
Ontario Tech * 49 York 89 Tait McKenzie Centre Final
Guelph * 84 Algoma 63 George Leach Centre Final
Queen's * 74 York 66 Tait McKenzie Centre Final
Nipissing * 48 Ryerson 88 Mattamy Athletic Centre Final
Ontario Tech * 53 Lakehead 82 CJ Sanders Fieldhouse Final
Windsor * 69 Waterloo 45 Physical Activities Complex Final
McMaster * 55 Carleton 66 Raven's Nest Final
Laurentian * 57 Toronto 60 Goldring Centre Final
Brock * 69 Ottawa 63 Montpetit Hall Final
Windsor * 64 Western 71 Alumni Hall Final
Brock * 49 Carleton 65 Raven's Nest Final
Nipissing * 53 Toronto 69 Goldring Centre Final
Laurentian * 50 Ryerson 80 Mattamy Athletic Centre Final
Laurier * 67 Waterloo 58 Physical Activities Complex Final
McMaster * 74 Ottawa 72 Montpetit Hall Final
Queen's * 81 Lakehead 64 CJ Sanders Fieldhouse Final
Guelph * 71 Algoma 58 George Leach Centre Final
* Conference