Western at Ontario Tech
at Ontario Tech
11/5/2023 at 3:00PM

Ontario Tech
Scoring 1 2 3 Final
Ontario Tech 1 0 2 3
Western 1 1 0 2
Periods: 1st  |  2nd  |  3rd
-- 1st --
[01:25] Penalty on Nicole Escano ONT 2 minutes for SLASHING, (power play opp).
[01:25] Start power play for WES.
[03:25] Nicole Escano (ONT) penalty complete.
[03:25] End power play for WES.
[06:16] Penalty on Cassandra Delves ONT 2 minutes for TRIPPING, (power play opp).
[06:16] Start power play for WES.
[07:46] GOAL by WES Haylie Kirkpatrick (POWER PLAY) (FIRST GOAL), Assist by Reese Whiteman and Emma Mccarthy, On ice for WES: , On ice for ONT: , goal number 3 for season.
[07:46] Cassandra Delves (ONT) penalty complete.
[07:46] End power play for WES.
[08:53] Penalty on Kate Martin WES 2 minutes for HOOKING, (power play opp).
[08:53] Start power play for ONT.
[10:41] GOAL by ONT Emily Davis-Tope (POWER PLAY), Assist by Elissa Burton and Mackenna Krulicki, On ice for ONT: , On ice for WES: , goal number 1 for season.
[10:41] Kate Martin (WES) penalty complete.
[10:41] End power play for ONT.
[15:31] Penalty on Elissa Burton ONT 2 minutes for TRIPPING, (power play opp).
[15:31] Start power play for WES.
[15:39] Penalty on Emma Mccarthy WES 2 minutes for INTERFERENCE, (power play opp).
[15:39] End power play for WES.
[17:31] Elissa Burton (ONT) penalty complete.
[17:31] Start power play for ONT.
[17:31] Emma Mccarthy (WES) penalty complete.
[17:31] End power play for ONT.
[18:41] Penalty on Emily Ignagni WES 2 minutes for INTERFERENCE, (power play opp).
[18:41] Start power play for ONT.
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-- 2nd --
[00:41] Emily Ignagni (WES) penalty complete.
[00:41] End power play for ONT.
[05:06] Penalty on Kennedy Ward WES 2 minutes for HOOKING, (power play opp).
[05:06] Start power play for ONT.
[07:06] Kennedy Ward (WES) penalty complete.
[07:06] End power play for ONT.
[07:52] Penalty on Katie Mikkelsen ONT 2 minutes for BODY CHECKING, (power play opp).
[07:52] Start power play for WES.
[09:52] Katie Mikkelsen (ONT) penalty complete.
[09:52] End power play for WES.
[14:01] Penalty on Kennedy Ward WES 2 minutes for ROUGHING, (power play opp).
[14:01] Start power play for ONT.
[16:01] Kennedy Ward (WES) penalty complete.
[16:01] End power play for ONT.
[16:42] GOAL by WES Reese Whiteman, On ice for WES: , On ice for ONT: , goal number 1 for season.
[16:51] Penalty on Gabrielle Lehoux WES 2 minutes for CROSS CHECKING, (power play opp).
[16:51] Start power play for ONT.
[18:51] Gabrielle Lehoux (WES) penalty complete.
[18:51] End power play for ONT.
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-- 3rd --
[09:01] GOAL by ONT Harrie Jones, Assist by Julia Jackson and Katie Mikkelsen, On ice for ONT: , On ice for WES: , goal number 1 for season.
[10:28] GOAL by ONT Nicole Escano, Assist by Harrie Jones and Kayla Welk, On ice for ONT: , On ice for WES: , goal number 1 for season.
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