2019-20 OUA Men's Basketball Schedule

August 2019
Date Away Home Notes Status Links
South Florida # 69 Carleton 78 (Place Bell @ Laval, QC) Final
UAlbany # 69 Ottawa 82 Exhibition - Montpetit Hall Final
September 2019
Date Away Home Notes Status Links
Waterloo # 85 Nipissing 49 Laurentian Pre-Season Tournament @ Ben Avey Gym Final
Saint Mary's # 88 York 75 (Pre-Season) Stu Aberdeen Tourn. @ Wolfville, NS Final
Western # 75 Bishop's 84 Laurentian Pre-Season Tournament @ Ben Avery Gym Final
Waterloo # 74 Laurentian 98 Laurentian Pre-Season Tournament Final
Queen's # 65 Concordia 55 Final
Redeemer # 71 McMaster 101 Final
Waterloo # 72 Bishop's 88 Laurentian Pre-Season Tournament @ Ben Avery Gym Final
York # 72 Acadia 101 (Pre-Season) - Stu Aberdeen Tournament Final
Ottawa # 72 Concordia 53 Exhibition - Concordia Gym Final
Laurentian # 80 Western 74 Laurentian Pre-Season Tournament Final
Queen's # 82 UQAM 91 @ centre sportif Final
York # 74 Manitoba 73 Stu Aberdeen Tournament @ Stu Aberdeen Court Final
Nipissing # 56 Western 100 Laurentian Pre-Season Tournament @ Ben Avery Gym Final
Bishop's # 81 Laurentian 84 Laurentian Pre-Season Tournament Final - OT
October 2019
Date Away Home Notes Status Links
Winnipeg # 88 Lakehead 63 Final
Carleton # 80 Calgary 63 Guy Vetrie Memorial Tournament @ Victoria, BC Final
Windsor # 67 Brock 69 RBC Brock Classic @ St. Catharines, ON Final
Winnipeg # 85 Lakehead 105 Final
McGill # 76 Toronto 70 Final
Ottawa # 66 UPEI 52 (Pre-season) Mickey Place Tourn. Final
Concordia # 76 Guelph 81 Exhibition - Guelph Gryphons Athletic Centre Final
Algoma # 77 Laurentian 107 Ben Avery Gym Final
York # 80 Ontario Tech 57 Exhibition - Campus Recreation & Wellness Centre Final
Carleton # 73 Victoria 59 Guy Vetrie Memorial Tournament @ Victoria, BC Final
UQAM # 72 Ryerson 94 RBC Brock Classic @ St. Catharines, ON Final
Saint Mary's # 76 Ottawa 82 (Pre-season) Mickey Place Tourn. @ Charlottetown, PE Final
McGill # 90 York 74 Final
Dalhousie # 82 Windsor 63 (Pre-Season) Brock Tournament @ St. Catherine's, ON Final
Concordia # 82 Ontario Tech 58 Exhibition - Campus Recreation & Wellness Centre Final
Seneca # 66 McMaster 94 Final
Carleton # 91 Regina 57 Guy Vetrie Memorial Tournament @ Victoria, BC Final
UQAM # 62 Toronto 79 RBC Brock Classic @ St. Catharines, ON Final
Windsor # 70 Ryerson 84 RBC Brock Classic @ St. Catharines, ON Final
Cape Breton # 53 Ottawa 82 (Pre-season) Mickey Place Tourn. @ Charlottetown, PE Final
Brock # 50 Dalhousie 65 (Pre-Season) Brock Tournament Final
Guelph # 102 Mount Royal 91 Calgary Cup @ Calgary, AB Final
Regina # 81 Laurier 88 Final
Mercyhurst # 75 Toronto 70 Final
Guelph # 90 UBC 96 @ Calgary, AB Final
Nipissing # 77 Concordia 84 @ Concordia University Final
Regina # 88 McMaster 100 Final
Ontario Tech # 59 Alberta 93 Final
Regina # 93 York 87 Final
Guelph # 68 Calgary 75 Calgary Cup @ Calgary, AB Final
Nipissing # 69 Memorial 80 (Pre-Season) Concordia Classic @ Montreal, PQ Final
Dalhousie # 75 Ryerson 56 (Pre-Season) Final
Ontario Tech # 81 Lethbridge 97 Final
Saskatchewan # 83 Nipissing 55 Concordia Classic Final
Dalhousie # 79 York 57 (Pre-Season) Final
Mercyhurst # 81 McMaster 84 Final
Ontario Tech # 76 MacEwan 100 Non-conference Final
Calgary # 64 Laurier 44 Naismith Classic @ PAC Final
UPEI # 105 McMaster 93 (Pre-Season) R&O Invitational @ Laval, PQ Final
Ottawa # 84 Queen's 64 Tindall Invitational Tournament @ Queen's ARC Final
Lakehead # 85 Laurentian 70 @ U of S Huskies Tournament Final
UBC # 74 Waterloo 87 Naismith Classic Final
Lakehead # 81 Saskatchewan 83 Ron & Jane Graham Shootout @ Saskatoon, SK Final
Bishop's # 74 Toronto 79 House-Laughton Tournament @ Ottawa, ON Final
Brock # 82 McGill 59 Exhibition at Love Competition Hall (@ McGill) Final
Laurier # 95 UBC 92 Naismith Classic Final
McMaster # 77 Dalhousie 93 (Pre-Season) R&O Invitational @ Laval, PQ Final
Regina # 86 Ottawa 89 Tindall Invitational Tournament @ Queen's ARC Final
Waterloo # 88 UNBC 75 Naismith Classic Final
Acadia # 55 Carleton 107 House Loughton Tournament Final
Juniata College # 51 Guelph 75 Exhibition - Guelph Gryphons Athletics Centre Final
Laurentian # 89 Mount Royal 103 @ U of S Huskies Tournament Final
Memorial # 72 Queen's 80 (Pre-Season) Queen's Invitational Final - OT
McMaster # 98 Laval 77 Tournoi Rouge et Or @ Quebec City, QC Final
Bishop's # 53 Carleton 107 House-Laughton Tournament @ Ottawa, ON Final
Lakehead # 106 Mount Royal 94 Ron & Jane Graham Shootout @ Saskatoon, SK Final
Toronto # 109 Acadia 80 House Loughton Tournament @ Ravens' Nest Final
Ottawa # 93 Memorial 60 (Pre-Season) Queen's Invitational @ Kingston, ON Final
Brock # 66 UQAM 60 Final
UNBC # 54 Western 82 Naismith Classic Final
Laurentian # 60 Saskatchewan 73 @ U of S Huskies Tournament Final
Regina # 81 Queen's 75 Tindall Invitational Tournament @ Queen's ARC Final
Indiana Wesleyan # 103 Guelph 90 Exhibition - Guelph Gryphons Athletic Centre Final
Calgary # 88 Waterloo 68 Naismith Classic Final
Toronto # 75 Carleton 81 House-Laughton Tournament @ Ottawa, ON Final
Toronto * 54 Laurier 72 Athletic Complex Gym Final
Western * 76 Windsor 73 St. Denis Centre Final
York * 67 Ryerson 80 Mattamy Athletic Centre Final
Bishop's # 78 Ottawa 64 Exhibition - Montpetit Hall Final
McMaster * 108 Lakehead 110 CJ Sanders Fieldhouse Final
Queen's * 90 Nipissing 56 Robert J Surtees Student Athletics Centre Final
Ontario Tech * 57 Laurentian 90 Ben F. Avery Gymnasium Final
McGill # 62 Ottawa 93 Exhibition - Montpetit Hall Final
Algoma * 74 York 72 Tait McKenzie Centre Final
McMaster * 79 Lakehead 76 CJ Sanders Fieldhouse Final
Ontario Tech * 73 Nipissing 86 Robert J Surtees Student Athletics Centre Final
Queen's * 82 Laurentian 86 Ben F. Avery Gymnasium Final
Laurier * 78 Windsor 65 St. Denis Centre Final
Waterloo * 83 Western 93 Alumni Hall Final
Ryerson * 62 Brock 65 Bob Davis Gym Final
McMaster * 74 Brock 72 Bob Davis Gym Final
November 2019
Date Away Home Notes Status Links
Guelph * 70 Queen's 88 Athletics & Recreation Centre Final
Western * 90 Algoma 59 George Leach Centre Final
Toronto * 87 York 88 Tait McKenzie Centre Final - OT
Windsor * 81 Laurentian 78 Ben F. Avery Gymnasium Final
Lakehead * 79 Ryerson 77 Mattamy Athletic Centre Final
Waterloo * 54 Carleton 110 Raven's Nest Final
Laurier * 72 Ottawa 80 Montpetit Hall Final
York * 71 Guelph 96 Guelph Gryphons Athletic Centre Final
Brock * 66 Toronto 70 Goldring Centre Final
Waterloo * 62 Ottawa 90 Montpetit Hall Final
Laurier * 52 Carleton 85 Raven's Nest Final
Windsor * 83 Nipissing 72 Robert J Surtees Student Athletics Centre Final
Lakehead * 79 Ryerson 75 Mattamy Athletic Centre Final
Western * 116 Algoma 67 George Leach Centre Final
Queen's * 83 Ontario Tech 61 Campus Recreation & Wellness Centre Final
Laurier * 92 York 84 Tait McKenzie Centre Final
Algoma * 53 McMaster 83 Burridge Gymnasium Final
Carleton * 100 Queen's 76 Athletics & Recreation Centre Final
Waterloo * 68 Lakehead 79 CJ Sanders Fieldhouse Final
Ottawa * 91 Ontario Tech 60 Campus Recreation & Wellness Centre Final
Guelph * 67 Brock 76 Bob Davis Gym Final
Western * 70 Laurentian 84 Ben F. Avery Gymnasium Final
Windsor * 75 Ryerson 78 Mattamy Athletic Centre Final
Guelph * 75 McMaster 95 Burridge Gymnasium Final
Laurier * 79 Lakehead 99 CJ Sanders Fieldhouse Final
Windsor * 80 Toronto 74 Goldring Centre Final
Ottawa * 92 Queen's 63 Athletics & Recreation Centre Final
Algoma * 56 Brock 92 Bob Davis Gym Final
Western * 72 Nipissing 92 Robert J Surtees Student Athletics Centre Final
Carleton * 99 Ontario Tech 69 Campus Recreation & Wellness Centre Final
Waterloo * 70 York 69 Tait McKenzie Centre Final
Nipissing * 56 Laurentian 90 Ben F. Avery Gymnasium Final
York * 81 Toronto 95 Goldring Centre Final
Ontario Tech * 68 Windsor 82 St. Denis Centre Final
Lakehead * 74 Brock 73 Bob Davis Gym Final
Ottawa * 88 Guelph 70 Guelph Gryphons Athletic Centre Final
Laurentian * 90 Waterloo 85 Physical Activities Complex Final
Queen's * 76 Western 81 Alumni Hall Final
Nipissing * 56 Laurier 83 Athletic Complex Gym Final
Carleton * 98 Algoma 74 George Leach Centre Final
Toronto * 77 McMaster 82 Burridge Gymnasium Final
Ryerson * 93 York 65 Tait McKenzie Centre Final
Queen's * 91 Windsor 88 St. Denis Centre Final - OT
Nipissing * 70 Waterloo 68 Physical Activities Complex Final
Ontario Tech * 67 Western 106 Alumni Hall Final
Lakehead * 68 Brock 75 Bob Davis Gym Final
Laurentian * 84 Laurier 69 Athletic Complex Gym Final
Ottawa * 88 Algoma 67 George Leach Centre Final
Carleton * 94 Guelph 81 Guelph Gryphons Athletic Centre Final
Western * 92 Waterloo 56 Physical Activities Complex Final
Ryerson * 99 Ontario Tech 54 Campus Recreation & Wellness Centre Final
Guelph * 82 Laurier 68 Athletic Complex Gym Final
Lakehead * 69 Carleton 80 Raven's Nest Final
Windsor * 86 Algoma 95 George Leach Centre Final
Toronto * 65 Queen's 94 Athletics & Recreation Centre Final
McMaster * 85 Laurentian 97 Ben F. Avery Gymnasium Final
Brock * 83 Nipissing 74 Robert J Surtees Student Athletics Centre Final
York * 75 Ottawa 100 Montpetit Hall Final
Western * 74 Laurier 73 Athletic Complex Gym Final
Waterloo * 69 Guelph 101 Guelph Gryphons Athletic Centre Final
Windsor * 90 Algoma 81 George Leach Centre Final
Lakehead * 80 Ottawa 73 Montpetit Hall Final
Toronto * 97 Ontario Tech 82 Campus Recreation & Wellness Centre Final
McMaster * 90 Nipissing 86 Robert J Surtees Student Athletics Centre Final
York * 44 Carleton 129 Raven's Nest Final
Ryerson * 73 Queen's 82 Athletics & Recreation Centre Final
Brock * 86 Laurentian 99 Ben F. Avery Gymnasium Final
Toronto * 80 Ryerson 73 Mattamy Athletic Centre Final
Laurier * 80 Western 90 Alumni Hall Final
Guelph * 77 Windsor 98 St. Denis Centre Final
Ontario Tech * 71 Queen's 97 Athletics & Recreation Centre Final
York * 83 Lakehead 85 CJ Sanders Fieldhouse Final
Nipissing * 71 Ottawa 86 Montpetit Hall Final
Brock * 64 McMaster 81 Burridge Gymnasium Final
Algoma * 78 Waterloo 83 Physical Activities Complex Final
Laurentian * 56 Carleton 87 Raven's Nest Final
Ryerson * 77 Laurier 62 Athletic Complex Gym Final
Western * 89 Guelph 78 Guelph Gryphons Athletic Centre Final
McMaster * 88 Toronto 84 Goldring Centre Final
Nipissing * 38 Carleton 116 Raven's Nest Final
York * 63 Lakehead 91 CJ Sanders Fieldhouse Final
Algoma * 59 Waterloo 86 Physical Activities Complex Final
Laurentian * 65 Ottawa 74 Montpetit Hall Final
December 2019
Date Away Home Notes Status Links
Ottawa * 65 Carleton 69 Raven's Nest Final
Bishop's # 73 Ottawa 77 Classique Olga Hrycak @ centre sportif uqam Final - OT
Guelph # 87 UQAM 91 classique Olga Hrycak @ Centre Sportif UQAM Final
McGill # 61 Ottawa 79 Classique Olga Hrycak @ Centre Sportif UQAM Final
Guelph # 72 Bishop's 65 classique Olga Hrycak @ UQAM Final
McGill # 95 Guelph 73 UQAM Classique Olga Hrycak @ Centre Sportif UQAM Final
Ottawa # 93 UQAM 78 Classique Olga Hrycak - Centre sportif UQAM Final
January 2020
Date Away Home Notes Status Links
Guelph * 94 Ontario Tech 72 Campus Recreation & Wellness Centre Final
Ryerson * 98 McMaster 90 Burridge Gymnasium Final
Brock * 77 York 79 Tait McKenzie Centre Final
Waterloo * 68 Laurier 86 Athletic Complex Gym Final
Ottawa * 65 Laurentian 78 Ben F. Avery Gymnasium Final
Western * 94 Toronto 88 Goldring Centre Final
Carleton * 92 Nipissing 58 Robert J Surtees Student Athletics Centre Final
Western * 82 Ryerson 87 Mattamy Athletic Centre Final
Guelph * 79 Waterloo 69 Physical Activities Complex Final
Windsor * 71 Laurier 95 Athletic Complex Gym Final
McMaster * 83 York 82 Tait McKenzie Centre Final
Toronto * 65 Brock 75 Bob Davis Gym Final
Algoma * 62 Queen's 89 Athletics & Recreation Centre Final
Ottawa * 90 Nipissing 65 Robert J Surtees Student Athletics Centre Final
Carleton * 95 Laurentian 69 Ben F. Avery Gymnasium Final
Algoma * 64 Ontario Tech 67 Campus Recreation & Wellness Centre Final
Windsor * 90 McMaster 86 Burridge Gymnasium Final
Western * 84 Brock 87 Bob Davis Gym Final - OT
Laurier * 75 Guelph 83 Guelph Gryphons Athletic Centre Final
Ryerson * 95 Waterloo 74 Physical Activities Complex Final
Queen's * 79 Ottawa 97 Montpetit Hall Final
Laurentian * 76 Nipissing 59 Robert J Surtees Student Athletics Centre Final
Ontario Tech * 58 Carleton 119 Raven's Nest Final
Toronto * 72 Waterloo 102 Physical Activities Complex Final
Lakehead * 87 Algoma 62 George Leach Centre Final
Western * 84 McMaster 79 Burridge Gymnasium Final
Ryerson * 94 Toronto 73 Goldring Centre Final
Ontario Tech * 58 Ottawa 110 Montpetit Hall Final
Windsor * 71 Brock 93 Bob Davis Gym Final
Queen's * 70 Carleton 98 Raven's Nest Final
Lakehead * 80 Guelph 66 Guelph Gryphons Athletic Centre Final
Waterloo * 90 Windsor 102 St. Denis Centre Final
Guelph * 73 Western 94 Alumni Hall Final
Nipissing * 82 York 67 Tait McKenzie Centre Final
Algoma * 42 Laurier 97 Athletic Complex Gym Final
Ontario Tech * 56 Brock 98 Bob Davis Gym Final
Queen's * 97 McMaster 95 Burridge Gymnasium Final
Ottawa * 67 Ryerson 91 Mattamy Athletic Centre Final
Carleton * 87 Toronto 64 Goldring Centre Final
Laurentian * 59 Lakehead 73 CJ Sanders Fieldhouse Final
Algoma * 70 Laurier 77 Athletic Complex Gym Final
Windsor * 93 Guelph 94 Guelph Gryphons Athletic Centre Final
Nipissing * 79 Lakehead 95 CJ Sanders Fieldhouse Final - OT
Ottawa * 92 Toronto 71 Goldring Centre Final
Laurentian * 84 York 76 Tait McKenzie Centre Final
Queen's * 75 Brock 69 Bob Davis Gym Final
Carleton * 88 Ryerson 82 Mattamy Athletic Centre Final
Ontario Tech * 55 McMaster 102 Burridge Gymnasium Final
York * 81 Brock 94 Bob Davis Gym Final
McMaster * 95 Ryerson 116 Mattamy Athletic Centre Final
Lakehead * 84 Toronto 80 Goldring Centre Final
Ottawa * 95 Windsor 66 St. Denis Centre Final
Laurier * 101 Ontario Tech 61 Campus Recreation & Wellness Centre Final
Waterloo * 46 Queen's 79 Athletics & Recreation Centre Final
Guelph * 80 Nipissing 82 Robert J Surtees Student Athletics Centre Final
Algoma * 78 Laurentian 104 Ben F. Avery Gymnasium Final
Carleton * 106 Western 81 Alumni Hall Final
February 2020
Date Away Home Notes Status Links
York * 72 McMaster 95 Burridge Gymnasium Final
Algoma * 67 Nipissing 79 Robert J Surtees Student Athletics Centre Final
Carleton * 109 Windsor 64 St. Denis Centre Final
Guelph * 65 Laurentian 87 Ben F. Avery Gymnasium Final
Lakehead * 84 Toronto 82 Goldring Centre Final
Laurier * 87 Queen's 89 Athletics & Recreation Centre Final - OT
Brock * 55 Ryerson 87 Mattamy Athletic Centre Final
Waterloo * 98 Ontario Tech 80 Campus Recreation & Wellness Centre Final
Ottawa * 88 Western 70 Alumni Hall Final
McMaster * 94 Laurier 103 Athletic Complex Gym Final
Ryerson * 91 Guelph 85 Guelph Gryphons Athletic Centre Final
Lakehead * 80 Western 91 Alumni Hall Final
York * 73 Windsor 102 St. Denis Centre Final
Toronto * 101 Algoma 80 George Leach Centre Final
Laurentian * 88 Queen's 74 Athletics & Recreation Centre Final
Nipissing * 93 Ontario Tech 85 Campus Recreation & Wellness Centre Final
Brock * 76 Laurier 73 Athletic Complex Gym Final
McMaster * 93 Waterloo 61 Physical Activities Complex Final
Carleton * 67 Ottawa 68 Capital Hoops Classic - The Arena at TD Place Final
Brock * 73 Waterloo 66 Physical Activities Complex Final
Nipissing * 60 Queen's 85 Athletics & Recreation Centre Final
York * 73 Western 108 Alumni Hall Final
Laurentian * 85 Ontario Tech 75 Campus Recreation & Wellness Centre Final
Lakehead * 85 Windsor 92 St. Denis Centre Final
Toronto * 83 Guelph 91 Guelph Gryphons Athletic Centre Final
Ryerson * 104 Algoma 52 George Leach Centre Final
Ontario Tech * 88 York 91 Tait McKenzie Centre Final
Brock * 58 Ottawa 81 Montpetit Hall Final
Guelph * 83 Algoma 72 George Leach Centre Final
Ontario Tech * 70 Lakehead 91 CJ Sanders Fieldhouse Final
Nipissing * 48 Ryerson 107 Mattamy Athletic Centre Final
Queen's * 81 York 63 Tait McKenzie Centre Final
Laurentian * 96 Toronto 78 Goldring Centre Final
McMaster * 54 Carleton 108 Raven's Nest Final
Windsor * 84 Waterloo 70 Physical Activities Complex Final
Windsor * 89 Western 92 Alumni Hall Final
Brock * 52 Carleton 115 Raven's Nest Final
Laurentian * 68 Ryerson 106 Mattamy Athletic Centre Final
Queen's * 76 Lakehead 114 CJ Sanders Fieldhouse Final
Laurier * 79 Waterloo 73 Physical Activities Complex Final
Guelph * 90 Algoma 82 George Leach Centre Final
McMaster * 82 Ottawa 98 Montpetit Hall Final
Nipissing * 80 Toronto 77 Goldring Centre Final
# Exhibition
* Conference